This project involves the conversion into a private residential property of the former Coach House at
Point House on Greenwich Park, Blackheath. Working with and adapting the Grade II Listed structure, which dates from the early 18th century, has required a sympathetic approach to both building conservation and enhancement to ensure the sustained life of the building.
The Coach House is formed of three main bays where a new contemporary mezzanine and semi sunken area is proposed, whilst exposing and restoring the remaining original features.
Heritage officer involvement, Historic England consultation and also the local conservation officer input
have all assisted in the development of a respectful refurbishment project. The scheme is currently in the planning stages where we are now looking at the detailed design and interfaces with the new and old. Through a deep understanding of the building and its history, the project aims to provide an enhanced setting to the Conservation Area and the two flanking Grade II Listed buildings.
205 Wardour St, London W1F 8ZJ / +44 (0) 203 814 8992 /